Epitaph 17


Epitaph 17
Epitafium 18


Elisabetha ist gebo: alhier in hirschb: Ao: 1646. d: 15. Augus: und

Gestor: Ao: 1647. D: 25. ianuA: Ihres alters 23. woch: 1. Tag. der Herr

vater der hochedle, gestrenge Herr Johann Stake, Kön:

May: zu Schweden wohlbestelter Oberster L: und com=

mandant alhier derer Fr: Mutter die hochedle, vielehren= tugendreiche fr: Elisabetha Oxehufinn.


Lest an. Ein fruchtbar Weinstock ist, Davon man edle Trauben liest,

Krankheit und Tod die Winzer sind, Die, wenn es Zeit, bald und geschwind

Die schönsten Träublein brechen ab, Und Senckn sie vom Stamm ins Grab.

Dies Jungfräulein ein Träublein war Vom Stamm der Stakrn schön und klar.

Eh recht verstrich ein halbes Jahr, Es abgewinzt versencket war.

Das bracht unsere eltern Schmerz und Pein, Doch muss uns dieses tröstlich sein:

Weil du, Herr Christ, ein recht Stamm bist, Sie itzt ein himmlisch Träublein ist.

LIFE IS FUME (it is elusive)

Elisabeth was born here in Jelenia Góra in 1646 on 15th August

And passed away in 1647 on 25th January being 23 weeks and 1 day old. Her father

Was highly noble, esteemed Mr. Johan Stake,

royal major. Well supplied from Sweden. Main… and local

commanding officer. Her mother was highly noble, esteemed,

virtuous Mrs. Elisabeth Oxenhuf.


Read this. There is a fruitful grapevine, from which noble grapes are collected,

Disease and death are grape pickers, who when the time comes, quickly and without hesitation

pick the most beautiful grapes from the strain and plunge them into grave.

This little lady was a small grape of this family, pure and beautiful.

Before half-year passed, it was picked and plunged.

It brought us, the parents pain and anguish, but this shall console us:

Because you, Christ, are the true strain, she is now a heavenly little grape.


Text of the inscription is carved in majuscule with concave letters.


Eastern wall of the church presbytery. Tombstone made of sandstone, consists of several parts: low relief depicting a dead child lying on a bed on a shroud held by an angel. On both sides are shields of the girl’s parents; low relief is topped with pediment embellished with auricular ornament and coat of arms of the father in the middle; low relief lies on the plaque with the inscription.

The plaque makes a gravestone of Elisbeth Stake (born on 15th August 1646, died on 25th January 1647) , daughter of a military man in the rank of major of the Swedish army, Johann Stake and his wife Elisabeth Oxehuf. Stake acted as commanding officer of Jelenia Góra during the Thirty Years' War, when the Swedish troops temporarily occupied the town.

Edited by Ivo Łaborewicz, Translated by Agnieszka Krzysztoń