Commemorative plaque


Epitaph 23
Tablica nad przejściem


Ne teneras mentes tenet violare pyrenevs

Prieridvmve ANimos Ne trahat ulla rvdis,

Hic vt pierides habitent charivtvmq: labores

extrvxit Tanta mole senatvs opvs

Anno MDLXVI mens Jvlio

cvm ann: ante Xvii univers: ign: civi: cecidis:



Do not harm delicate minds, Pyrenius

Let the impudent cluster of your daughters not corrupt their souls

So as to muses and Graces live here

The Town Council took pains to erect this house

In 1566, in July,

Just like 17 years before, when the whole town burned down.

Epitafium 17

Text of the inscription is carved in majuscule with convex letters.


The building of presbytery, above the entrance arch. Quadrilateral stone plaque, mounted deep in the wall.

The plaque commemorates building of a Latin school in the place where previously stood the building destroyed by the great fire in 1549, in which the whole town burned down. Reference to Pyrenius in the inscription and more accurately to his 9 daughters, whom he named after 9 muses. The girls for their vainglory were turned into magpies.

Edited by Ivo Łaborewicz, Translated by Agnieszka Krzysztoń