The Chojnik mountain overlooking Sobieszów is by nature an excellent site for a defensive structure. Consequently, many historical sources mention the settlement of the Bobrzanie tribe on the peak and a hunting manor house erected by Prince Bolesław the Horned. The erection of the stone castle is dated at 1355 when the reigning Prince of Świdnica and Jawor, Bolko III, strengthened his lands with numerous strongholds. The stone castle consisted of a tower, residential building and
a small courtyard. Following the death of the prince, his widow, princess Agnieszka, gave the castle to knight Gotsche Schoff, the progenitor of the Schaffgotsch family (who ruled the castle with small breaks until 1945). The new owner added a chapel to the castle. During the Hussite Wars in the 15th century the castle effectively fended off the attacks of the Hussites, but it also was ill-famed due to the activities of its owners who used to pillage the locals and tradesmen passing through the nearby trade route.
The castle was expanded a few more times in the 15th, 16th and 17th century. It became an extensive castle with a lower past containing utility rooms (a kitchen, servants’ room, cellar) and carved cistern in which water deposits for the inhabitants were stored. The castle was also adapted to the developing military techniques.
The stronghold that remained unconquered by humans finally succumbed to the forces of nature on 31 August 1675, it burned down due to a lighting strike. The owners never decided to rebuild it and gradually the castle transformed into a picturesque ruin whose charm gradually started to attract tourists. In 1822 a hostel was created in the bastel house of the lower castle.
The most prominent guest of this hostel was Karol Wojtyła (who went on to become Pope John Paul II), who at the beginning of September 1956 with a group of students biked through the JeleniaGóraValley. To commemorate his stay in 2007 the Papal Trail was outlined and ceremoniously opened and an occasional plaque was set in the so-called „pallatium” of the upper castle.
Visitors are welcomed with the remains of buildings from the particular stages of the expansion, enter the tower to admire the beautiful panorama of the surrounding areas and hear the legend of the beautiful, but cruel queen Kunigunde.
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