Until mid-19th century Cieplice had a prosperous paper machine factory founded and operated by the Füllner family. At the beginning of the 20th century its owner, Eugen Füllner, made several investments towards the spa. One investment was creating a picturesque park, called the Norwegian Park.
It owes its name to a wooden building erected in 1909, whose finishing resembles Viking boats. Eugen Füllner travelled to Norway and inspired by the local folk architecture decided to build a dragon-style pavilion in Cieplice which is now called the Norwegian Pavilion. This Pavilion was inspired by the “Frognerseteren” restaurant near Oslo. Until the 1950s the pavilion housed a restaurant.
The Norwegian Park occupies some 17ha with several dozen types of trees and bushes. Nearby of the Norwegian Park is a pond. In the past tourists could swim over the pond in a kayak or water bicycle. Today it is inhabited by waterfowl. If we walk along the park avenues we should cross the bridge over the Wrzosówka river to see a stone obelisk commemorating the encounter of two Polish poets, Wincenty Pol and Kornel Ujejski with a Czech naturalist, Jan Evangelist Purkyně. We may conclude our walk on the anti-flood dam that provides a beautiful overview of the Karknosze mountains.
Our tour of Cieplice ends in the Norwegian Park. To reach the next point of the Main City Centre Route we have to drive to Sobieszów and take the tourist trails to arrive at the picturesque ruins of the Chojnik Castle.
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