Epitaph 16


Epitaph 16
Epitafium nr 16
Et Piæ Memoriæ Diu: Melchioris Iosephi Kretschmer J. Cri=
Hujusq: Patriæ Urbis Cervimontanæ
Qui immundum Civic Mundum
Aõ: MDCCXII die I Novbr.
Annos explevit multæ uonlonoævæ
ætatis LI. Mens I. dier: V.
Vitam eqit
Vero Orthodoxæ Religionis Cultii
Patriæ Consilio et in defesso Labore. Proximo
Vero et Sociali amore
Sibi Vitâ Honesta inde DEum
Utqaudiacum Sanctis teneat æterna
Venerabundus Viatorpie precare.
Viduæ et liberorum Offictosius in pium Parentӗ
Dolor et Amor in hoc Saxo MONUMENTUM Posterivit
In the godly memory
of Mr. Melchior Joseph Kretchmer, lawyer by education,
Who was senior citizen consul
Of his hometown Jelenia Góra
He entered this impure world
In 1661 on 28th September
Many years ago he fulfilled
For 51 years, one month and 5 days
He gave his life
To God
He followed the requirements of our faith.
With his pious life
He fully deserved the heavenly reward.
Widow and children of this official and pious father
Pain and love
In this place
Was commemorated by his descendants.


Text of the inscription is carved in minuscule (Roman numerals in majuscule) with concave letters.


Southern side of the church presbytery. Quadrilateral stone plaque, girded with richly decorated frame and wings with floral motifs. The same motifs gird the oval with no inscription placed over the plaque. Only half of the plaque is filled; the other half was never filled with writing and was probably intended for the wife of the deceased or other members of his family.

The Kretchmers belonged to the patricians of Jelenia Góra. A few of its members were mayors, just like mentioned here Melchior Joseph Kretchmer, who held his office since 1708.

Edited by Ivo Łaborewicz, Translated by Agnieszka Krzysztoń