Epitaph 18


Epitaph 18
Epitafium 18

Hic requiescit in Domino

Augustinus Loewe,

Parochus Reverendissimus

Hirschbergensis, natus in Gr: Carlowitz

die XV. m. Julii, anno MDCCCXXXI,

vita defunctus die XII. m. Novembris


meritus tum de ecclesia funditus

restauranda, tum de grege sibi

credite per viginti fere annos inter

temporum haud parvas difficultates

confirmando et conservando.


Qum apparuerit princeps pastorum,

percipietis immarcessibilem gloriae

coronam. 1 Petr. 5.4.

R. i. p.

Here rests in Lord

August Loewe,

Reverend parish priest

Of Jelenia Góra,

born in Karłowice Wielkie

On 15th July 1831,

His life ended on 12th November

1893 well

Distinguished also for the church

Renovation, and then for the flock

he was entrusted

Which he led for almost 20 years

In hard times

Keeping it and strengthening.


And when the Chief Shepherd 

appears, you will receive

the crown of glory that will

never fade away. First Epistle of Peter 5.4i.


(i New International Version Bible)


Text of the inscription is carved in minuscule with concave letters coloured gold.


Eastern wall of the church presbytery, in the sepulchral chapel between escarpments. Stone plaque oval in shape circled with wreath.

August Loewe (1831-1893) had been a parish priest of the local church for 20 years. He was appointed on 8th May and assumed it on 15th July, 1873.

Edited by Ivo Łaborewicz, Translated by Agnieszka Krzysztoń