Epitaph 20


Epitaph 20

Epitafium 20


ruht in Gott

der Hochwürdige Geisthche Rat.


Franz Maria Forche.

Stadtpfarrer von Hirschberg

von 1894 bis 1929.

* 2.8.1864.

† 2.6.1929.

Er war geliebt und verehrt von allen.

R. i. p.


Rests in God

Reverend cleric town councillor

Franz Maria Forche

Parish priest of the town of Jelenia Góra

From 1894 until 1929

*2nd August 1864

2nd June 1929.

He was commonly loved and respected.



Text of the inscription is carved in minuscule with concave letters coloured gold. 


Eastern wall of the church presbytery, in the sepulchral chapel between escarpments. Stone plaque in the shape of an oval circled with the wreath.

Franz Maria Forche (1864-1929) was the parish priest of the local church for 35 years (1894-1929).

Edited by Ivo Łaborewicz, Translated by Agnieszka Krzysztoń